Saturday, July 12, 2008

Two Blogs, Seven Kids

I just have two fun blogs to share today. And blog reading is free, right?

It was just about a year ago that Phil and I were completely taken aback by the realization that we were very unexpectedly expecting a third. And I remember the panic and the "how can we swing it?" moments that accompanied this rather regular and almost mundane pregnancy.

A couple of my co-workers have been far more surprised by their maternal news, and both have blogs to document the fun.

Christine, a co-worker, was surprised about three years ago to find that her normal pregnancy was actually going to be triplets. She now has three adorable, sassy two-year-old girls and documents the fun at Trio. Christine is a great writer, and her blog really celebrates the fun of the girls, rather than just the endless work.

But this week, Christine was trumped. Another co-worker, Suzy, came by and started the conversation with, "Guess what?"

Now back when Max was born, Suzy and some co-workers had bought him a mobile sporting pastel safari animals and playing John Lennon's "Imagine." Suzy's a big Beatles fan, and I knew she and her husband were wanting to start a family one day, so after Tommy was past mobile age, I brought it back to Suzy, assuming she'd need it eventually. When she heard I was pregnant with Sylvia, she brought it back to me. So when she came by and said, "Guess what?" I figured she was pregnant and started calculating how soon she'd need the mobile.

And she is pregnant. With quadruplets.

I'm still breaking in a cold sweat typing this, but she's completely chill about it, and even started a blog to document the pregnancy. Check it out at Four-by-two.

(While I don't want to say anything so predictable as "Don't drink the water!," I might add that Christine and Suzy work for the same part of my company, and there are probably no more than 30 employees in that division, which make the odds of having many children at once pretty sobering.)

If you'd like to get an armchair view of the world of multiples, check out their blogs. Me, I'm no longer feeling so put-upon that I had one, single baby unexpectedly.


Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Oh, my. Quads??? Looks like she'll need more than one crib mobile! I can't even imagine. Even twins would terrify me. -J

Anonymous said...

The thought of having multiples terrifies me and I'm not even preggo yet.

Good luck to them!

Anonymous said...

Can you just send about 1/4 cup of the water my way?

Cindy said...

Laura, maybe you should come work here and just see what transpires. :)

I know, Julie and Kali, I can't even imagine having more than one at a time. And yet, Christine comes in looking completely together and relaxed with three toddlers. I guess you just do what you have to do?? I'm relieved I don't have to do it, though! :)